online islamic education (E QURAN ACADEMY): Who was the first female to accept Islam?

Friday, July 19, 2024

Who was the first female to accept Islam?


Who was the first female to accept Islam?

      Khadijah (RA): The First Female to Embrace Islam

Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (RA), the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), holds the esteemed honor of being the first female to accept Islam. Her unwavering support and belief in the Prophet (SAW) played a crucial role in the early days of Islam. This article explores the significance of Khadijah's (RA) conversion, supported by proofs from Islamic sources.

Early Life and Conversion

Khadijah (RA) was a successful and respected businesswoman in Mecca. Known for her integrity and generosity, she was highly regarded in her community. When the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) received the first revelation from Allah through the Angel Gabriel, he was deeply shaken and sought comfort from Khadijah (RA). She immediately believed in his prophethood and accepted Islam without hesitationh.

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said about Khadijah (RA), "She believed in me when no one else did; she accepted Islam when people rejected me; and she helped and comforted me when there was no one else to lend me a helping hand". This Hadith highlights her pivotal role in supporting the Prophet (SAW) during the early, challenging days of his mission.

Proofs from Hadith and Quran


Hadith on Khadijah's (RA) Support: The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) often spoke of Khadijah's (RA) unwavering support and faith. He said, "The best of the women of her time was Khadijah" (Sahih Bukhari).


Quranic Reference: While Khadijah (RA) is not mentioned by name in the Quran, her support and the comfort she provided to the Prophet (SAW) are reflected in the verses that describe the early revelations and the Prophet's (SAW) mission. For instance, in Surah Ad-Duha, Allah reassures the Prophet (SAW) during a time of distress:

> "Did He not find you an orphan and give [you] refuge? And He found you lost and guided [you]. And He found you poor and made [you] self-sufficient" (Quran 93:6-8).

These verses highlight the divine support and comfort that the Prophet (SAW) received, which was also manifested through Khadijah's (RA) unwavering belief and support.

Contributions to Islam


Financial Support: Khadijah (RA) used her wealth to support the early Muslim community. Her financial contributions were vital in sustaining the Prophet's (SAW) mission and providing for the needs of the early converts.


Emotional and Moral Support: Khadijah (RA) provided immense emotional and moral support to the Prophet (SAW). Her belief in his mission and her encouragement helped him persevere through the initial hardships and opposition.


Khadijah's (RA) legacy is one of faith, strength, and unwavering support. She is often referred to as "The Mother of the Believers" and serves as a role model for Muslim women around the world. Her early acceptance of Islam and her contributions to the faith highlight her significant role in Islamic history.


Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (RA) was the first female to embrace Islam, setting an example of faith, courage, and support. Her early conversion and unwavering support for the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) were instrumental in the spread and consolidation of Islam. By understanding her life and legacy, Muslims can draw inspiration from her exemplary character and commitment to the faith.

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