online islamic education (E QURAN ACADEMY): How is importance of the Charity (Zakat) in Islam?

Monday, July 1, 2024

How is importance of the Charity (Zakat) in Islam?


How is importance of the Charity (Zakat) in Islam?

                                          Importance of Zakat (charity)

In Islam Charity, known as Zakat in Arabic, is a fundamental pillar of Islam and an obligatory act of worship for all Muslims who meet certain financial criteria. It is not merely a charitable contribution but a mandatory tax that purifies wealth and aids in the equitable distribution of resources.

Quranic Evidence:

Zakat is mentioned numerous times in the Quran, often paired with prayer (Salah), highlighting its significance. One such verse is:

> "Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase, and invoke [Allah's] blessings upon them. Indeed, your invocations are reassurance for them. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing." (Quran 9:103)

Hadith Confirmation:

The Hadith literature also underscores the importance of Zakat. One notable Hadith is:

>"Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) as saying: The Last Hour will not come before wealth becomes abundant and overflowing, so much so that a man takes Zakat out of his property and cannot find anyone to accept it from him..." (Sahih Muslim 157c).

This Hadith suggests that Zakat is so crucial that its absence is a sign of the Day of Judgment.

Zakat's Role in Society:

Zakat plays a vital role in social welfare and justice. It ensures that the less fortunate receive support from those who are financially able. By redistributing wealth, Zakat helps reduce poverty and inequality, fostering a sense of brotherhood and community.

Zakat is more than an act of kindness; it is a divine commandment that benefits the giver and receiver. It purifies the soul, encourages economic balance, and is a testament to a Muslim's faith and compassion. The Quran and Hadith provide ample evidence of its importance, making it a key aspect of Islamic life.
For a deeper understanding of Zakat, one should study the Quran, Hadith, and scholarly interpretations, which offer comprehensive insights into this pillar of Islam.

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