online islamic education (E QURAN ACADEMY): ''The 99 Names of ALLAH with Meanings and Significance''

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

''The 99 Names of ALLAH with Meanings and Significance''

''The 99 Names of ALLAH with Meanings and Significance''

The 99 Names of ALLAH with Meanings

In Islam, Allah is known by 99 beautiful names, each reflecting a distinct attribute of His essence. These names, known as "Asma Ul Husna," are more than mere labels; they are a path to understanding the divine nature of Allah and serve as a means to connect with Him on a deeper level.

Understanding Asma Ul Husna:
The concept of the 99 names of Allah is rooted in the Quran and Hadith. Allah says in the Quran:

>"And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them..." (Quran 7:180)

Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:

>"Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e., one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise." (Sahih Bukhari)

The Significance of the Names:
Each name of Allah carries a special meaning and significance. They are not just words but keys to understanding the infinite nature of the Almighty. By learning and invoking these names, believers can cultivate a closer relationship with Allah, seeking His guidance and mercy in all aspects of life.

A Glimpse into the Names:
Here are  the 99 names, along with their meanings:

01)  AR-RAHMAN: The Beneficent
02)  AR-RAHEEM: The Merciful
03)  AL-MALIK: The Eternal Lord
04)  AL-QUDDUS: The Most Sacred
05)  AS-SALAM: The embodiment of Peace
06)  AL-MU’MIN: The Infuser of Faith
07)  AL-MUHAYMIN: The Preserver of Safety
08)  AL-AZIZ: All Mighty
09)  AL-JABBAR: The Compeller, The Restorer
10)  AL-MUTAKABBIR: The Supreme, The Majestic
11)  AL-KHALIQ: The Creator, The Maker
12)  AL-BAARI: The Evolver
13)  AL-MUSAWWIR: The Fashioner
14)  AL-GHAFFAR: The Great Forgiver
15)  AL-QAHHAR: The all-prevailing One
16)  AL-WAHHAB: The Supreme Bestower
17)  AR-RAZZAQ: The Provider
18)  AL-FATTAH: The Supreme Solver
19)  AL-‘ALEEM: The All-Knowing
20)  AL-QAABID: The Withholder
21)  AL-BAASIT: The Extender
22)  AL-KHAAFIDH: The Reducer
23)  AR-RAAFI: The Exalter, The Elevator
24)  AL-MU’IZZ: The Honourer, The Bestower
25)  AL-MUZIL: The Dishonourer, The Humiliator
26)  AS-SAMEE: The All-Hearing
27)  AL-BASEER: The All-Seeing
28)  AL-HAKAM: The Impartial Judge
29)  AL-‘ADL: The Utterly Just
30)  AL-LATEEF: The Subtle One, The Most Gentle
31)  AL-KHABEER: The All-Aware
32)  AL-HALEEM: The Most Forbearing
33)  AL-‘AZEEM: The Magnificent, The Supreme
34)  AL-GHAFOOR: The All-Forgiving.
35)  ASH-SHAKOOR: The Most Appreciative
36)  AL-‘ALEE: The Highest, The Exalted
37)  AL-KABEER: The All-Heedful and All-Protecting
38)  AL-HAFEEDH: The Preserver
39)  AL-MUQEET: The Sustainer
40)  AL-HASEEB: The Reckoner
41)  AL-JALEEL: The Majestic
42)  AL-KAREEM: The Most Generous, The Most Esteemed
43)  AR-RAQEEB: The Watchful
44)  AL-MUJEEB: The Responsive One
45)  AL-WAASI: The All-Encompassing, the Boundless
46)  AL-HAKEEM: The All-Wise
47)  AL-WADUD: The Most Loving
48)  AL-MAJEED: The Glorious, The Most Honorable
49)  AL-BA’ITH: The Infuser of New Life
50)  ASH-SHAHEED: The All Observing Witnessing
51)  AL-HAQQ: The Absolute Truth
52)  AL-WAKEEL: The Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs
53)  AL-QAWIYY: The All-Strong
54)  AL-MATEEN: The Firm, The Steadfast
55)  AL-WALIYY: The Protecting Associatey
56)  AL-HAMEED: The Praiseworthy
57)  AL-MUHSEE: The All-Enumerating, The Counter
58)  AL-MUBDI: The Originator, The Initiator
59)  AL-MUEED: The Restorer
60)  AL-MUHYI: The Giver of Life
61)  AL-MUMEET: The Inflicter of Death
62)  AL-HAYY: The Ever-Living
63)  AL-QAYYOOM: The Sustainer, The Self-Subsisting
64)  AL-WAAJID: The Perceiver
65)  AL-MAJID: The Illustrious, the Magnificent
66)  AL-WAAHID: The One
67)  AL-AHAD: The Unique, The Only One
68)  AS-SAMAD: The Eternal, Satisfier of Needs
69)  AL-QADEER: The Omnipotent One
70)  AL-MUQTADIR: The Powerful
71)  AL-MUQADDIM: The Expediter, The Promoter
72)  AL-MU’AKHKHIR: The Delayer
73)  AL-AWWAL: The First
74)  AL-AAKHIR: The Last
75)  AZ-ZAAHIR: The Manifest
76)  AL-BAATIN: Knower of the Hidden
77)  AL-WAALI: The Patron
78)  AL-MUTA’ALI: The Self Exalted
79)  AL-BARR: The Source of All Goodness
80)  AT-TAWWAB: The Ever-Pardoning
81)  AL-MUNTAQIM: The Avenger
82)  AL-‘AFUWW: The Pardoner
83)  AR-RA’OOF: The Most Kind
84)  MAALIK-UL-MULK: Master of the Kingdom, Owner of the Dominion
85)  DHUL-JALAALI WAL-IKRAAM: Lord of Majesty and Generosity
86)  AL-MUQSIT: The Just One
87)  AL-JAAMI: The Gatherer, the Uniter
88)  AL-GHANIYY: The Self-Sufficient, The Wealthy
89)  AL-MUGHNI: The Enricher
90)  AL-MANI: The Withholder
91)  AD-DHARR: The Distresser
92)  AN-NAFI: The Propitious, The Benefactor
93)  AN-NUR: The Light, The Illuminator
94)  AL-HAADI: The Guide
95)  AL-BADEE: The Incomparable Originator
96)  AL-BAQI: The Everlasting
97)  AL-WAARITH: The Inheritor, The Heir
98)  AR-RASHEED: The Guide, Infallible Teacher
99)  AS-SABOR: The Forbearing, The Patient

The Practice of Invoking the Names:
Invoking the names of Allah is a spiritual practice that brings comfort, peace, and guidance. It is a form of worship that allows Muslims to reflect on the attributes of Allah and seek His blessings in their lives.

The 99 names of Allah represent a fundamental aspect of Islamic worship and belief. They offer a window into the majesty and mercy of Allah and provide a means for believers to express their devotion and reliance on their Creator. For those seeking to deepen their understanding of Allah, studying and reflecting upon these names is an enriching and spiritually rewarding endeavor.

online islamic education

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