online islamic education (E QURAN ACADEMY): Is that 'The first revelation ''IQRA ''of the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)'' ?

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Is that 'The first revelation ''IQRA ''of the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)'' ?

Is that 'The first revelation ''IQRA ''of the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)'' ?

                        The First Revelation: Surah Al-`Alaq 

In the Islamic tradition, the first revelation to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a momentous event that marks the beginning of the prophetic mission and the revelation of the Qur'an. This event took place in the year 610 CE, when Muhammad (peace be upon him) was about 40 years old.

The Cave of Hira

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was known to retreat to the Cave of Hira on Jabal al-Nour (Mountain of Light) for contemplation and meditation. During one of these retreats, on the 27th night of Ramadan, a significant event unfolded.

The Angel Gabriel's Appearance

As Muhammad (peace be upon him) meditated in the cave, the Angel Gabriel (Jibreel) appeared before him. The angel presented the first verses of what would become the Qur'an, commanding him to read.

The Command to "Read" (Iqra)

The Prophet (peace be upon him), who was illiterate, responded that he could not read. The angel embraced him tightly and repeated the command three times. After the third embrace, the angel revealed the first verses:

Read, in the name of Your Lord, who created,

Created man from a clot.

Read! And Your Lord is the most bountiful,

Who taught by the pen,

Taught man that which he knew not.

(Qur'an, 96:1-5)

The Significance of Surah Al-`Alaq

These verses from Surah Al-`Alaq emphasize the importance of knowledge and the act of reading as a means to gain enlightenment. The surah itself, although revealed first, is placed at the.....placed at the 96th position in the traditional Quranic compilation. The placement signifies the importance of the message conveyed in the surah, which is foundational to the Islamic faith. It highlights the value of learning and the high regard for education in Islam. The act of reading, mentioned at the beginning of the revelation, is not just about literacy but also about understanding, contemplating, and applying knowledge. This surah serves as a reminder of the power of God who 'taught by the pen,' and it underscores the belief that knowledge is a means to appreciate the divine creation and to foster spiritual growth.

online islamic education

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